RVS & Beginner Wildlife Rehabilitation Training
January 30 – 31, 2021
Registration through NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Virtual classes will be offered for Beginners and for RVS training on the weekend originally planned for the symposium, January 30-31, 2021.
There will be two full days of sessions for beginning wildlife rehabilitators.
More Beginner Wildlife Rehabilitation Class information is found HERE.
Concurrently, there will be the 12 hours of the RVS training needed to apply to rehab RVS in NC. It includes sessions on the regulations, permit application requirements and procedures, and permit restrictions taught by the NCWRC (2 hours). The Department of Health is teaching about rabies, vectors, vaccinations, titers, testing and more (2 hours). Expert instructors for the various rabies vector species are covering handling, housing and care for each species (8+ hours). These sessions cover the 12 hours of required training needed to qualify for the permit. Please note: some of the sessions are the same ones given at Symposium 2020.
More RVS Training information is found HERE.
The registration fee for non-members is $90 for registrations made by January 18 and $100 after January 18.
Non-member Registration ($90)
There is a discount for members.
Login and then click on the ‘Members’ tab at the top of the page to register for the reduced fee of $65
Join HERE to become a member and then login to register
We are using the Office of Continuing Education at NCSU to process our registrations. You will be transferred from here to the CE Office site to registration for the training.
A confirmation email is sent from the CE Office after you register. Please check the email carefully.
Registration will be open through the start of the training classes on January 30th.