Symposium 2025 Handouts

The handouts are being added as they are received. They will be available here for the rest of the year.

Beginner Track
Introduction to Rehabilitation
Applying for an Apprentice Permit
Basic Medical Terminology and Math for Beginners
Mammal Physical Exam, Mammal Physical Exam Form
Zoonosis: Sanitation/Keeping it Clean
Capture & Restraint of Small Mammals and Birds
Opossum Rehabilitation
An Introduction to Feeding and Caring for Young Squirrels
Handling Wildlife Calls

Avian Physical Exam Lab Glossary
Fluid Therapy Lab
Natural History of Small Mammals
Is Mentoring for You?
Social Media for Wildlife Rehabilitators
Basic Rehabilitation of Eastern Cottontails
The Rescue and Rehabilitation of Common Loons
Working with Lava Gulls in the Galápagos
Triage and Stabilization of Herps
The Impact of Hurricane Helene on Wildlife
Best Practices for Volunteer Management
Biosecurity Lab
Is that a Bird, Mammal or Amphibian I Hear? – None
Raptor Ambassador Candidacy
Raptor ID
Intro to Songbird ID & Diet Needs
Hazards of Wildlife Rehabilitation

Advanced/Vet CE
Large Bird Bandaging Lab
Turtle Shell Repair Lab
Emaciation: more than “just a little thin
Avian Influenza; HPAI (NC Dept of Public Health)
Interpreting Rads of Mammals
Neoplasia in Birds of Prey
Derm Detectives: Conditions of the skin
Opossum Medicine
Neurological Disease in Avians
Fracture Management
Avian Orthopedics
Interesting Amphibian and Reptile Clinical Cases

RVS Training
Introduction to RVS
RVS Regulations
Rabies, the Disease & Vaccinations
Skunk Rehabilitation
Fox Rehabilitation
Raccoon Rehabilitation
Bat Rehabilitation